Friday 25 May 2012

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Alkaline is key to your health!

Acidic blood (having low pH levels) can create cause toxic and acidic waste (acidosis). This is a mostly unknown and dangerously destructive circumstance because it can lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Serious health problems such as low energy, unwanted weight gain, poor athletic performance and accelerated aging, inflammation and auto-immune disorders can be potentially increased as well.
The bottom line is when your blood has an acidic pH, your body may be silently torn apart day by day to become more and more susceptible these insidious degenerative diseases. When you manage an alkaline pH daily and at minimum drink a lot of pure water, your body can rebuild, repair, rejuvenate and remain young!

pH affects health in EVERY WAY

In many cases cancer was arrested in its tracks by those who shifted their blood to an alkaline state. This understanding is of great importance to someone who is fighting almost any disease or illness; as well as anyone who desires to simply feel better and remain youthful. What it means to you is... Your Body's pH affects just about EVERYTHING!
Over time, even mild acidity and dehydration can cause such problems as:
  • Osteoporosis, weak, brittle bones, hip fractures, bone spurs and calcium deposits
  • Various forms of Cancer
  • Higher blood pressure
  • Weight and fat gain, obesity, insulin disorders, and diabetes
  • A compromised immune system
  • Increased stress
  • Neurological Diseases: MS, ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's
  • Auto-immune disorders: Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Shogrens
  • Cardiac and vascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels, clogged arteries, clots, weakened veins, and the reduction of oxygen
  • Acceleration of free radical damage, possibly contributing to cancerous mutations
  • Liver, Bladder and Kidney conditions, including kidney and gallstones
  • Premature aging, frequent headaches, sinusitis, constipation, hemorrhoids
  • Osteoarthritis, joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup
  • Hormonal imbalances, Prostate problems and adult acne
  • Low energy and chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, acid indigestion and flatulence

To offset these challenges to well being, begin by managing your pH and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate with pure water!

Your Body Must Be Slightly Alkaline

Life happens at the cellular level. If you do not manage that, life can happen poorly. All of the cells (trillions of them) that make up the human body are slightly alkaline, and must maintain that slight alkalinity in order to function and remain healthy and alive. Compromise that and the body suffers. As a result, the body may experience permanent and prolonged damage due to high acidity -- a condition that may go undetected for years, yet ultimately become deadly. A condition that you can manage.
Medical studies report that a pH that is imbalanced can be correlated to almost all health conditions, including heart disease, arthritis and cancer. Virtually all leading biochemists and medical physiologists have recognized that your pH (acid-alkaline balance) is the most important aspect of a balanced, healthy and youthful body.

Organo Gold Coffee and Tea can help bring up your body's ph because it is ph balanced and has taken all of the acid out of coffee.  See my web site by clicking here